CW: Date Rape Drugs
I'm not sure how to start this off but I want to write about an experience I had while on this last tour. I was roofied at some point after our set in Tulsa, OK. In a span of 30 minutes I reached a level of intoxication (lasting about 15 minutes) followed
followed by an unresponsive physical body. Neither of which were consistent with what I had consumed nor like anything I have ever experienced.

I remember waking up in the back of my vehicle with the rest of the band there. I knew I had to get out of the truck but I was
physically incapable of moving any part of my body. I didn't know what was going on. I felt embarrassed and just wanted to be left alone to sleep. I remember feeling really nauseous and throwing up some. Christina and Jon were eventually able to carry me to a futon
a futon closest to the door of the house because I couldn't stand or move my legs. I slept through the entire night and through the next long drive day. I have maybe slept through a night once or twice ever in my life.
I informed the venue and band we played with that night about what happened. Everyone was incredibly kind and understanding and has taken visible steps forward. They said they would be speaking with other bars. I was told this has been an issue in Downtown lately.
I was drugged without my consent in a space that I felt comfortable. This happens to a lot of people and you better believe someone who's drugging you isn't thinking about what types of medication you're on.
I take Klonopin when I need it for a panic disorder. Had I taken it I most likely would not have woken up. My mind keeps returning to this thought.
I wanted to share this as a reminder to take care of yourself. Take care of each other. Wherever you are. Even if you feel safe. Especially if you feel safe. This situation could have been much worse and I am very fortunate.
I want to say be careful on tour but the truth is this is everywhere and we are all mortal. -Becca
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