I was in Target last night and had to squeak past this old lady n I said to her "excuse me ma'am, I'm just getting past you." Then at the register she was telling the cashier about me. "It's so nice to have a young man speak to me at my age"
All I really said was excuse me
But obviously she doesn't get the slightest bit of acknowledgement from young men and getting some made her day, even though it was next to nothing. Which proves again that despite all that fearmongering and lying yall do, women LIKE to be approached.
It's some weird phenomenon where approaching a woman directly is basically doing too much. Too aggresive, risky, potential for kidnapping etc.. sexual harrassment, all that. This creates an environment where men dont even want to approach yall, for fear of being labeled a creep
And that's why so many ppl are linking off of social media now. Me walking directly up to yo fine ass on Main St Friday night is offputting. But me stalkishly liking 5 of your pics before sliding in the DMs is totally acceptable nowadays. That shit used to be pussy honestly
Like in say 2010 you could approach a woman, get the number. That was the norm. Finding her on social media and weaseling your way into her messages was creepy behavior back then. Now it seems to be completely reversed. Women are more comfortable w being approached online
Which honestly is cool cause the internet provides somewhat of a glimpse into what someone is into before u invest too much energy. But overall, this whole thing goes against ALL of our biological natures. The boldness and art and ritualistic dance of approaching a woman is dead
Of course this is a blanket statement. Women are still very approachable in the right settings. But shit just ain't how it used to be lol. Social media has warped the game
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