Choosing not to have children is one of the most selfless selfish things one can do.

Admitting to yourself that you cannot look after another human for the rest of your life is totally okay.

Having a baby because you’re supposed to could end up bad for everyone involved. 1/5
Imagine your a drug lord, all the other drug lords have tigers, as much as you like tigers you just know it’s going to be a lot of work and money.

Not only will it be a long wait to get one, the cost of care will be huge.

They live 16 to 18 years.
16 to 18 years of food...
3/5, giant litter boxes. Bribing the local vet.

Can you really commit yourself to all of that?

You like to live for you, it’s not like you can just ask the neighbor to tiger sit when you are away.

You think, you know what? I just want a regular cat.
You go to a local rescue, jot down “self employed” under occupation.
You see someone wide eyed whispering to another.
Hands shaking, they give you the crate. They even throw in a free bag of food and a “Proud rescue parent” pin. You give a large donation, they need it.
You sit on your couch by the fire. Your new friend purring on your lap. This is how you want life.

Just like this.

Meanwhile, your enemy is shouting in their office while a nervous accountant explains that ordering 200 bags of kitty litter a week is unsustainable.
I feel like I should throw out there I personally would like children.
From a VERY young age I’ve said I want to foster or adopt and I still stand by that.

My friends/family that don’t want/never had kids, I totally support, and hating hearing them be told they’re wrong.
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