Was talking with my middle brother yesterday how this is a huge problem facing society. He works over seas as a medic contractor. He wants to move back to the US. 1/n https://twitter.com/kaijubushi/status/1199664723849031682
He’s having a hard time getting hired by a local FD. His qualifications are excellent. Been a medic on BLS/ALS calls for a decade. Did an appendectomy on a soldier at a FOB w/ limited supplies and just a doctor on the sat phone 4hrs away by helo in Kandahar. 2/n
He can score in the top few % of candidates on both written/physical assessment tests. Despite that, he can’t get a call from FDs, hospitals etc. typically it’s no response. While I see the need for mass info management software... 3/n
It’s clear that resource allocation is being adversely affected. We’re now writing résumés to trick a filter or algorithm rather than to present the entirety of a candidate. We’re hiring The Most Frequent Keyword, not necessarily the best person for the job. 4/n
Happened to me too. One must play the game, unfortunately. That said, the other part of the equation is market saturation. After a 10 minute diatribe about why I left Southern California to homestead and become Rural Elite, he understood the socioeconomic forces against him. 5/n
Now, he’s looking at moving to Arizona or Texas. Big win for “Red” Tribe (I use that term very loosely). Fin. 6/6
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