1/ My friend is Jewish, very secular, and like me doesn't think anti-Israel or anti-Zionist sentiment is equivalent to antisemitism. In fact, he's anti-Israel, unlike me (I'm pro-Israel).

#LabourAntisemitism #Jewish
2/ We both believe #Corbyn himself isn't anti-Semitic even though Corbyn allies with anti Semites for political expediency, just as he does with Islamists.

He's also an active member of the labour party.
3/ The other day he said this: "Sohail, I really think the labour party is anti-Semitic. I didn't believe it before. Now I do." He said a lot of them, especially the #momentum lot, believe that Jews run the world. He also said there are a lot of extremist #Muslims in Labour.
4/ TL;DR: My friend is a Labour party member, he's anti-Israel and doesn't equate anti-zionism with #antisemitism, but because of his experiences in the party, now believes the Labour party genuinely is simmering with antisemitism. He also says Labour is full of radical Muslims.
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