Guys, spoiler alert: but being a Christian is going to be a lot more difficult in the coming years.

A simple look at culture over the past decade has been a good indicator that chaos is on the horizon.

And I think a lot of us struggle with what to do.
The baseline reality: no matter what you're seeing, hearing or experiencing, your baseline for truth -- if you say you're a Christian -- is God.

This means: studying scripture, praying and having a relationship with Christ.

This is where we must start in addressing any issue.
Unfortunately, we live in a culture that is driving so many narratives that counter God -- so many distracting elements that are perfectly crafted to sound so kind, loving and well-meaning.

But being "well-meaning" isn't necessarily good, truthful or fruitful.
We cannot continue to say we are Christians while ignoring truth and instead looking to culture to guide us. Even when it's tough, truth still matters.

Even when it doesn't make sense, truth still matters.

If we seek, we will find. If we want wisdom, we can discover it.
So many of us are fine being clouded and confused by culture, assuming that following what's popular is right, all while pushing to the side what we know to be true for the sake of fitting in.

This is wrong. This doesn't help others and it certainly damages our spiritual life.
In the end, we are called to stand for truth and love. Abandoning the first for the sake of the second actually negates the second entirely.

Turn to prayer. Turn to truth. Seek wisdom.

We are going to need it, as culture continues to transform into a secular abyss.
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