A Plea

1. One thing being talked about a lot: over-work, workload model. Quite right too. #UCUStrikesBack

BUT one thing not mentioned at all: universities nicking neighbouring unis’ "natural" students, thereby plunging raided uni into redundancy.
The lifting of the cap in student no.s and resulting hyper-competition (cue #ShinyNewBuildings + massive loans that need annual servicing + a certain ratio of income to costs to be maintained so as not to breach bank covenants) has been devastating for some unis, esp. rural ones.
Yet rural unis are vital to their region, their local economy, social fabric and culture. They enable local students to attend (as they can live at home and save money), they raise the aspirations of the regional populace, and they add so much economic value too.
Should striking staff wish to continue the excellent #solidarity after this strike is over – please address this business practice in your own uni.

And please @DrJoGrady @ucu ask the government to bring back caps – at least on domestic student no.s.
Could be the 1st step to rolling back the neo-liberal beast and bringing back some stability and sanity to an increasingly effervescent sector
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