I am the #radicalleft and this is what it means to me personally. I want Christmas and I want #Thanksgiving. I don’t want people to suffer in their lives ( yes that includes trump supporters). I don’t want to end religion, I just want a religion that shows kindness, not one that
attacks and judges people with hatred and hypocrisy. I value marriage, be it LGBTQ or straight. I respect a woman’s right to choose, I also respect if you are against abortion, that is your freedom, but that freedom does not allow to attack other freedoms. I respect all religions
again, as long as it gives you comfort, but I don’t respect your thoughts to be pushed on me. I don’t care what party you are for, but I’m against party’s that will try to hurt the poor and enrich the rich. I believe everyone should have healthcare, America is the richest
country in the world, yet it doesn’t want to take care of its people. I don’t want Americans to die in unnecessary wars that just give more money to the 1%. I respect the land and the environment and believe everything should be done to ensure it’s survival. I respect morals and
ethics, not pseudo ethics and pseudo morals from religious bigots that are hypocrites. I believe the American President should be able to bring a country together and further divide them. I prefer politicians that put country over party, and I mean this country, not Russia. I
respect those that can tell the truth, not those who constantly lie to manufacture consent to jump on the hate bandwagon.
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