Engineering Management Hack No. 1 - your calendar

Got promoted? Feeling overwhelmed and distracted? Can't focus? Unable to do deep work due to constant interruptions? I used to be just like you. Then I discovered the power of the calendar.

The thing about schedules is that you already have one. The only question is whether you're aware of it or not. Calendars are the first step in taking control of your time.
I know what you're thinking - ewww, only MBAs use calendars. True. You're management now buddy. Deal with it :-) Seriously though, calendars are ACE if you use them right.
To follow along, you will need the following
- a DO NOT DISTURB sign. You can make one by hand in a few minutes.
- a calendar app. (you already have this. move it to your home screen)
- a resolute will
- a non-toxic workplace.
1 - Start by clearing your calendar. You already have a bunch of meeting invites and regularly scheduled check-ins sent to you by other people. You can either declare bankruptcy and delete them all or you can deal with them on a case-by-case basis.
You're about to change the way in which people can access you and your time and it's easy to overdo the calendar zeal so it's important to proceed slowly. If you have any pending conversations or informal daily check ins start by adding those to your calendar as well.
Clear the decks and use your time consciously. By the end of step 1 you should be fully aware of your time commitments for the next month.
2 - Block off time for yourself. Me time - it's important! Later as you start to bounce through the schedule as dictated by the calendar these islands of me time will be your solace and comfort. (don't worry it gets easier)
Now that you've cleared the decks, start to ramp up on the next step
3 - when people wanna chat ask them to schedule a meeting. The change should be imperceptible to most people. You don't want to suddenly become inaccessible to people used to accessing you in a particular way. Over the course of a month your calendar should start to fill up.
4 - Give your calendar users a top class experience -be scrupulously punctual and well prepared to calendared meetings. Always schedule/ask for half hour meetings. Be respectful of your and other people's time.
As people start to get used to your new calendar habit, start to funnel more and more people towards it. Don't completely fill the calendar either - a bit of slack makes the whole process go smoother.
Continue to engage in hallway conversations but if they start to take up time turn them into a calendared meeting.
Sounds horrible? You're right. It's not easy. It turns you into a drone. An automaton. An object of pity. However even you can't deny it - when you leave from work you feel great! You got a lot done. You were in control of your day!
5 - Now, refactor! While coding when you see the same arguments being passed around a lot you refactor them to an Object. Likewise when you find yourself meeting often with the same people you can refactor to a Team or Project and turn these into formal, less frequent check-ins.
6 - Allow anyone to book any free time on your calendar for any purpose. Aren't you glad you blocked off your 'me time' in step 2? Now anyone wants you they just schedule a meeting. You turn up punctually and well prepared. What's not to like?
This works as a forcing function causing everyone who wants your time to be more conscious of it and plan ahead. This means they are in general more conscious of their needs and wants. Yay!
Remember all those meetings that could have been emails? Here's your chance. When you get a calendar invite, have that conversation - what's this for? what do I need to know before coming? Many times the meeting goes away.
After a while you'll relax and find yourself doing those hallway conversations again. Checking your calendar multiple times a day will become a reflex. Calendaring is now part of your mojo and you're still awesome! Remember that DO NOT DISTURB sign? Put it up at your desk.
Now you can code if you want :-)

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