Thread 👇🏻
Is Trump perfect? We never said he was. But he IS perfect for this job right now. Those of you claim to despise have NO idea what he’s doing. Don’t you all realize he’s been under a microscope for 3 yrs trying to dig up ANY info to get him. What did they find?
2. NOTHING! Absolutely NOTHING.
Now...what do you think we’d find on ANY member of Congress? Pick one...any one...who would withstand a 3 yr investigation of their entire life and come up clean?
3. The Ukraine is a corrupt country that the Deep State INCLUDING Adam Schiff has been using for their own secret slush funds. They had all the right players in place to cover for them. They don’t want witnesses called because they know it will expose them.
4. You think Trump doesn’t have the goods on all of them? He has EVERYTHING! He’s letting them bury themselves and that’s exactly what they are doing. These millionaires in our govt are all corrupt. We shouldn’t ALL be outraged. It’s not just’s both sides.
5 They want us divided’s all part of their plan. Brainwashing has been going on for years right under our noses. Fake news being fed to us...schools removing history ...they want out rights taken away to control us even more.
6. You think we are free? Try not paying your taxes. Try not getting kids immunized. Try breaking any of their laws and see if you skate like they do. They even passed a law so that insider trading is ok if your in govt. it’s all about them. Not us!
7. Our foods are poisoned with chemicals as is our immunizations. They want us sick so we rely on prescriptions and Chemos to further enrich them. Do you know how many lobbyists each member of Congress has? Look it up!
8. Trump may not be perfect ....but he does have this country’s best interests at heart! He’s our only shot of renewing any trust at all back in our govt. and the media. Don’t we ALL deserve the truth?
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