I have a few things to say on the recent abuse allegations that have risen in the hockey community. Some will agree, and many will not, but coming from an athlete’s perspective, I feel as if it is important to share what I am about to say, regardless of the backlash. (Thread)
1. Every story that is heard from an athlete, regardless of how much time has passed since their experience, is VALID. Too many athletes live in fear and shame every day, afraid of risking their careers by stepping forward against abusers.
2. Abuse is often mislabeled as the “nature” of a sport and treated as a requirement by coaches and peers for the athletes to find success. Many athletes- hockey players, gymnasts, football players, etc- begin training when they are just 3-4 years old. Their minds are VULNERABLE,
and often manipulated by coaches to think that abuse is “normal”. As a former gymnast and recipient of this treatment, I can say without a single doubt in my mind, that in EVERY sport, this issue exists- physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually.
3. Abusive coaches, no matter what, are ALWAYS enabled by someone. This issue begins at the top. It begins with professional organizations and leagues, trickling down to juniors and minors. In order to stop the monsters who selfishly use their power, that is where it must begin.
4. Every type of abusive is devastating. Mentally, physically, and sexually, many athlete’s are beaten down from a young age and forced to encounter their worst nightmares EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. This is not okay, and it never will be.
5. To every athlete who has stepped forward, and to every athlete who struggles in silence, I am PROUD of you. You are a fighter. You are a survivor. You are not alone. My DM’s are always open to you guys. I was there, and I will do ANYTHING to be there for you guys. Always.
6. To @HockeyCanada and the @NHL, do better. To those of you who attack victims, saying that they are “soft” or “irrelevant”, you are just as in the wrong as the abusers themselves. Abuse will NEVER rightfully belong in a sport. It’s time to end this, once and for all.
You can follow @DanielleDiNenn1.
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