1. We really do have to have our heads deep in the sand if we think voting for one of the two main parties (both with strong ties to Moscow influence ops) is going to reduce the influence of US & Russian Far-Right machinations in the disintegration of Britain.

2. Taking a stand against the Brexit dishonesty should mean voters not going along with the politicians who turned a blind eye to the dishonesty nor the ones who perpetrated the dishonesty

Not voting for the dishonest is a basic prerequisite of honesty in public life, isn’t it?
3. If you support a dishonest politician not only are you putting them into power, but you are legitimising and normalising dishonesty as part of national political discourse. That’s what makes a country a basket case. So I think we can all agree it’s wholly bad idea.
4. The key enabling act of the whole Brexit saga, was the moment when leading Conservative & Labour politicians refused to call out the dishonesty involved in the 2016 Ref

This was no slight offence

It was essentially how we got into this mess. It was Brexit’s major event
5. When all the evidence comes to light, I think you will find that Kremlin influence operations played a key part in that failure by Lab and Tory politicians, to call out the dishonesty
6. But there is a lot more murky stuff going on after the failure to call out the dishonesty in 2016 Ref.

Kremlin funding & influence ops may have been a major factor in Labour’s refusal to come out clearly for Remain & those Labour votes for Tory Brexit deals.
7. There is a great of evidence now available to the public via @carolecadwalla and a lot of evidence which is not yet available ( ISC Report) that senior members of both Labour & Tory Parties were connected to (or tools for) Kremlin influence operations in the UK
8. So although it’s imperative that you vote, you are going to have to vote for politicians who (with a few notable exceptions) either portrayed Brexit dishonestly or who sought to conceal a fraud that had been perpetrated on the electorate, which is also dishonest in itself.
9. The whole point of this thread is so that people can understand two things:

(1) By voting in this election you are NOT striking any kind of serious blow against Brexit dishonesty or against those that are orchestrating it. All you are doing is warding off a blow.

10. Most importantly
(2) If you want to uproot that dishonesty from our politics, you will have cease your economic cooperation i.e. boycott economically those who are orchestrating it.

That will be the first real resistance to Brexit. No real resistance has taken place yet.
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