MSM is really hitting it hard & some candidates too that ppl don't want M4A - wrong!

Or that Elizabeth Warren has decided to go with single payer and not M4A - wrong!

Listen here:
Here's a great explainer by Adam Green of how and why Elizabeth Warren's Medicare for All Transition Plan will be the fastest route to get ppl on M4A:
Here's another showing how much various groups support Medicare for All. Looks like this is getting wildly misrepresented by both candidates and MSM!
And here is a great thread that explains all the different candidate plans.

As you can see Elizabeth Warren's is absolutely still solidly M4A, fully funded and vastly different than the weak single payer options from other candidates.
Elizabeth Warren’s transition plan adds these groups into Medicare in first 100 days of her Presidency.

✅ 74 million Americans who are under 18
✅ 108 million Americans who are 50+ w/ vision, dental, long term care
✅ 50% of Americans at or below 200% of poverty line.

And -
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