There is only one reason I will always wish I could have owners my own home and that is to never ever have to deal with landlords or property managers ever again in my life! That’s it - that’s the goal. Not accumulation of wealth. Not status - ownership as goal bc landlords.
Just got a notice of entry that requires everything moved from the walls (baseboard heaters). How to do I even do that and where do I live since floor space is not even large enough to pull stuff out while I’m in apt.
Also I now have to reschedule a bunch of things in my life and of course the time they'll arrive is whenever tf they want that day and I just hate it. I hate everything about it. I've been in people's homes who are homeowners and when repair people come they don't behave same way
And ofc because this is social housing some staff person will be with them because never know when one of us poors might bite one of them or something.
And they'll make comments about my stuff as if we're suddenly pals and as if it doesn't just emphasize they're invading my space 'You sure have a lot of books. Who's that in the photo?'

My dead aunt whose ghosts haunts nosy assholes who bother her niece.
I know some of you won't understand - different life stories lead to different feelings about the same events - maybe chalk it up to that.

I already have a notice threatening to charge me market rent if I don't fill in a bunch of ridiculous forms - AGAIN!
I hate them. I hate them. I hate every damn one of their snoopy, judgy, disrespectful assholes and I mostly hate that I just can't have my own home away from all these shitty people and no one comes through my door unless I say so and when I say so.

I hate being poor.
Urbanists on Twitter:

La, la, la, renting & living in big towers is great.
Me: Can't get out in fire, gets off at wrong floor sometimes bc guy on elevator is suspect, goes to hospital from neighbour's smoke, gets sick from other neighbour's air freshener...
Somehow work is always scheduled when I am sick, literally threw up on myself as they were insisting they had to check a smoke detector that very instant and could not come back later, had worker walk in while I peeing (leave bathroom door open bc it's not easy to close in tiny
space) because they give themselves a 10 hour window in which they might just show up at your door and if you don't answer in a nanosecond they let themselves in and apparently can't hear you shouting "STAY OUT!!"
Urbanists on Twitter:

La, la, la transit is fun

Me: So many memories of sexual harassment and assault

I am just saying we live in same space but different worlds.

Being poor sucks and stop ignoring people have valid reasons for not joining your cheerleading squad.
Oh and a 'compliment' I often get is telling me how my place is cleaner than some other apartments in my building and then they'll start sharing their stories about what they saw and what other people's apts looked like.

Don't f-ing involve me in your disrespect of poor ppl
As if I don't assume that means you'll be discussing my apt with someone else.

OK I've gone from heart racing, stomach in knots, feeling like I was going to cry when I got the notice to being angry - so that's progress I guess.
Institutions are run based on needs of people working in them not based on needs of people who they are theoretically set up to serve - so on that basis social housing is an institution.
Raise the rates & at least give me a choice of which landlord I have to put up with.
Also when this was run by BC Housing and not a private, faith-based non-profit, they were far, far more accommodating. Seriously. It's fascinating how much the difference in attitude shows up in all sorts of ways.
And can you middle class housing people please stop conflating NP social housing with co-ops - literal apples to oranges comparison. Not the same thing.
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