As a trans man he/him lesbians aren't hurting me or other trans men. You don't get to dictate how lesbians relate to their gender or femininity and you don't have to be feminine to be a lesbian. Quit being a shithead to butches, yall are so scared of masculine women and it shows!
Literally all you're saying when you shit on masculine women/butches is that you think women HAVE to be feminine and gender conforming to ACTUALLY be women. It's ugly and frankly it's both sexism and blatant lesbophobia.
Also if you're a trans man in the replies who's going "b-but Lune! He/him lesbians hurt ME!!!!" get out of here loser if someone expressing themselves the way they want to bothers you, there's some internalized truscum/transmed shit you gotta work out my dude.
He/him lesbians have been around longer then any if yall have been alive AND I don't give a fuck if what they do is confusing to the cishets. Get off ny post and go lick cis boots somewhere else, coward.
Fuck respectability politics. I don't care if what you think someone is doing is weird or trendy or, god fucking forbid, won't appeal to the cishets, because guess what! They already hate us, we might as well love ourselves, no matter what anyone thinks.
in addition bc @Mustbequeers made a good addition to my post, consider the following:
to expand on this, pronouns = gender expression but =/= gender. like a suit or dress, pronouns have feminine or masculine connotations, but they aren't necessarily only worn by one gender. gay men call eachother girl and sis and nobody bats an eyelash, bring that energy here.
a addition because some people brought it up: some lesbians arent comfortable with being referred to as women, are nonbianary, or are femme and all of these groups deserve the same amount of support as butch he/him and they/them lesbians! if u dont respect them: catch these hands
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