Arctic foxes are really, really good carriers of rabies. This fox does not appear rabid, but if one approaches you, you should be feeling.... kinda scared.

1/ During a rabies outbreak/epidemic, ~75% of the population of arctic foxes can be infected....
2/ Arctic foxes are the primary host of rabies in the arctic, and can and do transmit it to other critters... like red foxes, dogs, and humans...
Arctic foxes can even give rabies to wolverines, resulting in... a rabid wolverine!
A bunch of other carnivore species around the world could give you rabies (and also bats).... here is a weirdly effective but scary graphic from the @WHO
So that cute racoon, getting waaaay to close and acting kinda weird? maybe a rabid #TrashPanda (video from CDC)
Look for disorientation, aggression... yes, even in that cute feral cat you're feeding.... (but actually, please just don't feed those feral cats)
And if you are bitten by a domestic, feral, or wild carnivore or bat, you should treat the bite as if that animal were rabid. Why???? Because the consequences for not getting treated for rabies is really bad. You will die. But not for a loooong time.
If you work with species that are good hosts for rabies, like wild carnivores or bats, it's likely worth it to get pre-vaccinated. For most folks, get vaccinated AFTER you get bitten by a maybe-rabid animal: 
There's good news on rabies though! Human infections are declining sharply, because dogs are responsible for >99% of human infections ande we are vaccinating dogs a bunch more- yay!
I THOUGHT I WAS ENDING ON A POSITIVE NOTE BUT NOOOOO I had to go and google scholar rabbithole instead.

Australia has no rabies, but Indonesia does... and rabies could spread ~67 km/year among dingo hosts 😭😭😭
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