THREAD: I’ve been getting a lot of shit from black liberals for not supporting Obama’s criticisms and openly supporting candidates like Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn
The black liberal line of reasoning is that supporting people of colour, regardless of if their policies align with your material or class interests, is a MUST, and anything else shows disloyalty to your identity
This kind of flawed reasoning is why I am deeply suspicious of the ways that neoliberalism has distorted identity politics and used it as a way to make working class people identify with figures who oppose their class interests.
The idea that protecting capitalism and the status quo is beneficial to black people, or any other minority group as long as there is a diverse face in the seat of power, is the logic that gave us Obama
And Obama’s neoliberalism is what gave us trump. Identity is not the most important metric, identity is not what will make a candidate fight for your interests.
Not all skin folk are kin folk as they say. I vote for my class interests because the majority of people of colour on the planet are poor and working class. The majority of marginalised people on the planet are poor and working class.
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