Fellow students, here's how you can support your lecturers who are striking (a short thread based on some of my conversations with other students):
1. Learn more about the strike action. This video is a good starting point #UCUStrikesBack
2. Write to your VC in support of the striking staff. Their working conditions reflect your learning conditions. So if you want your university learning experience to improve, support your lecturers by using your voice. #UCUStrikesBack
3. Avoid crossing the picket line unless absolutely compelled to. Avoid using university spaces -- both physical and virtual, avoid going for university-hosted events. Here's looking at you fellow PhDs; avoid your office, other uni spaces and going for events. #UCUStrikesBack
4. Avoid discussing/talking about your research, upcoming conferences, etc. during strike action. This includes posting/sharing on social media. Instead, amplify the voices of the staff who are striking. #UCUStrikesBack
5. Go to the picket line as much as you can, teach-outs and sessions organised by the striking staff. If you are disabled and/or cannot physically go to the picket, you can show support online by sharing content by the striking staff. #UCUStrikesBack
6. Lastly, be supportive of the staff who are striking. Don't be apathetic or be the person who rants about "how much money you paid for your course." Instead, channel your anger towards those who allow education to be exploited as commodity. #UCUStrikesBack
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