
An answer that someone gave me to a common prochoice argument

"Even if a child is a human, it is there without consent."

#ProLife #Prochoice
A child does not need a parent's consent to have the right to a parent's care. You create human life, you are responsible for human life. Even if you didn't deliberately create it, you're responsible for children when you are the only means of support or care.
If somebody drops a baby in your house and your response is "out of my house, I don't consent to you being there" and you throw the baby away in a blinding snowstorm, you would be liable to criminal prosecution on a number of levels.
The law does not deprive you of responsibility to a child EVEN IF you did not consent to that responsibility. Children are vulnerable beings who depend on the good will of others, even strangers, to be able to have their lives and dignity respected. Pregnancy is no different.
You don't get to chuck your own child because you don't "consent" to responsibility. Responsibility is not something you consent to AFTER you create it. If I break a window playing baseball, I don't get to renege on responsibility because I never consented to break the window.
The fact is, I broke it, hence it's my responsibility. Same with pregnancy. You didn't consent to it, but hey guess what, pregnant now, got a baby to take care of, that responsibility is inherent.

End of thread.
Look at all these wild prochoicers responding to this thread.
Don’t they have any real arguments, instead of those old debunked talking points?
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