The Labour Party is not anti-Hindu because of its position on human rights in Kashmir and it's incredibly silly and politically motivated to claim so.

Also, what's this dogwhistling about "Corbyn always speaks up against islamophobia but not for us" and the "Muslim backlash"?
Why are they insinuating that standing up for the Muslim community against racism is a bad thing? Why is this not being pointed out by the press? Well, we know the answer to that, the press stoke islamophobia themselves and don't give a shit
This is absolutely reactionary, dogwhistle stuff that attempts to divide Hindu and Muslim communities, conflates India with Hinduism (what about Indian Sikhs, Jains, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, and atheists?!), and calls Labour anti-Hindu with no basis in reality
REMINDER that the BJP are trying to interfere in this election on behalf of the Tories through WhatsApp messages (trust, stuff can spread like wildfire in Indian WhatsApp networks) and trying to divide Hindu and Muslim communities, just like what Zac Goldsmith tried to do
ALSO ironic Anil Bhanot of the Hindu Council used Niemoller's poem about how "first they came for the socialists, trade unionists, and the Jews" when he's clearly supporting the policy of the fascist BJP in India and going after socialists 🙃
"The Labour Party has veered towards a fascist ideology" while literally taking issue with their Kashmir stance, in favour of the BJP. literally want to scream
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