#QAnon is NOT a cult.
#Q is self-deprogramming therapy, to deprogram yourself out of the cult of mindless indoctrination, through use of Socratic method. Q provides info, then pushes: researching, logical thought, ALTRUISM & the Constitution. These are NEVER goals of a cult.
#Q Think for yourself is skepticism. The Globalist cult doesn’t allow questioning of their ideology/dogma. #QAnons enjoy debate, individuality, individual thoughts/ideas & free speech w/out punishment. None of these are allowed in the Globalist cult of conformity w/out impunity.
#Q Think for yourself is critical thinking. The Globalist cult programmed in primitive defense mechanisms, in order to replace critical thought w/negative emotion. Socratic method is critical thinking.
#Q teaches, think for yourself, through Socratic Method. Q is a crash course in Constitutional Law. Q doesn’t lie, Q makes you come to your own conclusions. Ex: after learning the comms, when, is generally unknown & doesn’t necessarily mean right now. Q1. https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-the-socratic-method-2154875
My take on #Q
Q is Scholar(s).
Q is Philosopher(s).
Q is Law Professor(s).
Q is Military Intelligence.
Q is altruistic.
Q is libertarian.
Q is unity.
Q is everything the leaders of the Globalist cult ARE NOT.

The Globalist cult programs emotional chaos & dysfunctional behavior.
#Q NEVER uses punishment because we aren’t required to be anything, but an individual. Punishment is meant to curb individual behavior. The Globalist cult curbs behavior, through punishment & deprivation, similar to fascist social conformity to ideology. https://psychologydictionary.org/punishment/ 
#Q Think for yourself is the antithesis of cult mentality. Whereas, the Globalist cult is rigid conformity. Q promotes nonconformity of thought/behavior in the group. The Globalist cult, rigidly, demands conformity to their concept of social justice & their progressive ideology.
You can follow @QSentMe77.
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