
I don’t think anyone is waiting for anxiously for my queer lefty jewish opinion on antisemitism in labour, but I do want to remind white gentile allies that antisemitism from within whiteness operates partly as a way of projecting and purging fears


On both the left and the right, jews (by which of course in this framework we mean white jews) are understood as the secret force undercover within whiteness whose disloyalty and secret collaboration are undermining The Glorious Revolution / White Supremacy


But as well as our role as scapegoats, jewish history and white jews’ conditional whiteness also make us a focal point for projecting white fear of losing supremacy — if even the rich, basically-white, proto-christians are not safe, that’s close to home


So be wary of language around dis/loyalty, priorities, and indeed this bizarre notion of a single jewish voice or view. But also be wary of anti-antisemitism that is not part of broader anti-racism, or that positions jews as uniquely deserving of protection


Antisemitism is real, it’s really bad, and we need to fight it. But “never again” means all of us, not just our people. White jews and white allies must be alive to how antisemitism operates within whiteness, otherwise what the fuck are we even doing here?

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