Worst admission? That they would want to highlight “diversity within the Republican Party” in videos shown outside of the districts they’re running in — “or perhaps we can post them widely following the Primary Election.” Here’s why that’s awful: 1/ https://twitter.com/dallasnews/status/1199332735447384064
TX GOP chair James Dickey, a nice enough guy, wants to “highlight the diversity within the Republican Party ... to counter the narrative driven by Democrats.” In other words, this is just a PR move, a way to use POC & women to counter an image problem. 2/
To women, the LGBTQ+ community and people of color, diversity isn’t about image, or not only about it. It’s about, as Governor Richards liked to say, about having a seat at the table or being on the menu. 3/
But we all do better when we all do better. Studies show that more inclusive companies make more money. Paying women more has huge downstream effects as well. We are, one might say, stronger together, but you didn’t hear that from me. 4/
If you think diversity is a box you check at the end of a process to present an acceptable image, then you don’t understand the value of starting with everyone around the table from jump. 5/
And if you don’t think that diversity and inclusion are how we achieve a more perfect union, then I don’t think you really understand America. The whole point of America is to leave old ways behind and make a new place for everyone. 6/
This is the tension of Thanksgiving. I don’t want to sit at a table where everyone doesn’t feel welcome. /fin
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