In 2008 my Russian case officer congratulated me on becoming an intelligence officer in the Navy. “We will start a retirement account for you.” The message was clear: spying on America for them would be a long career. I realized something else; Russia was at war w us.
That moment was the culmination of the 3 incredibly intense and hard years. My time was spent with a senior GRU intelligence officer, a man who had committed his entire life to Russia’s intelligence service. What he thought of America was clear: we were his target.
Watching Russia’s intelligence apparatus, as a made-man from the inside, showed me to what extent they went too to harm the US. This included the incredibly petty, like not taking toll routes so as not to pay $ to our govt. It was also far more sinister, like their network...
of Americans they would use to run counter-surveillance on me, or the safe houses they would call me from. It was clear they had a formidable network of US assets and resources.
Those formidable resources and methods were assembled during the Cold War. Instead of deactivating them, Russia merely changed their mission from stealing military secrets, to destroying our country from within.
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