When an organisation feels the need to e-mail all its members to let them know they embrace diversity and equality, you know you have a problem. And a group of women in leadership positions doesn't equate to diversity and equality, believing it does is a form of bias.
Women in leadership positions sometimes use their positions to defend patriarchal structures, and they do it more harshly and many times try to stop others to reach the opportunities they've had and often claim that if it was hard for them it should be hard for others too.
The Aunts in the Handmaid's tale, those are women...It would also be good to have a statement on equality that is inclusive of non-binary members in the organisation...Referring just to men and women is also a form of exclusion.
But it's all good...cause the statement says they are all for equality...it must be true...
And just to clarify, it's always good to see women accessing positions that were in the past only seen as 'male' roles, but it would be nice to see anyone having an 'important' position, regardless of their gender, using it to make things better for everyone.
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