I started this campaign with a simple belief: there was little one could do to convince me that Kamala Harris should not be our next president.

I came out early and unequivocally for her when she launched. I don’t regret it for one second.
As this campaign has unfolded, I’ve watched closely as all of the candidates shared their ideas and plans. I’ve been so proud of this diverse field—specifically the women who have carried the mantle Hillary Clinton laid at their feet so well.
I am PARTICULARLY proud that Kamala Harris has positioned herself as the most viable Black woman to ever seek the presidency. She will be a force in American politics for years to come. Of this, I am sure.

But now is a time for choosing.
In my view, this moment demands a very specific response, and Elizabeth Warren is the only candidate who, from all appearances, understands and appreciates it comprehensively.
Elizabeth Warren understands that Reaganism and the apparatus that supports its continued toxic presence in America must all be destroyed.
Elizabeth Warren understands that Trump is the symptom, not the cause, and that simply beating him to “return to normal” will not be enough. WHO comes next matters, but so does WHAT comes next.
Elizabeth Warren understands that the @GOP will never “return to normal” or “have an epiphany.” This IS their normal and people who care about true progress in this country will have to fight in a way that we’ve never fought before—strategically, intentionally, and unrelentingly.
Elizabeth Warren understands that we don’t defeat racism and white supremacy with good intentions and cute rhetoric, but with plans and means to be held accountable. This has never been more important.
Elizabeth Warren understands that government can and should be a tool for good, but it needs big, structural change to rid itself of 40 years of concerted efforts to undermine that good.
Elizabeth Warren understands that we cannot be guided by fear of losing, but instead motivated by a conviction that we can win because we will outwork, out-organize, and outlast—and because there is a right path forward and a wrong one.
Elizabeth Warren understands that corruption is on the verge of getting the best of our democracy, unless we collectively do something about it. Right here. Right now.
Elizabeth Warren understands that this is a moment when our country needs moral clarity—now more than ever.
This is a deeply personal—and decidedly difficult—decision for me. I’m not so self involved as to think that my opinion merits sharing, but I want to be honest and transparent about my thinking on this stuff. I’ve evolved. I wanted people to know why. I wanted to be unequivocal.
We are facing this matter together, and it’s about the full scope of what this specific moment demands. For me, it demands that Elizabeth Ann Warren ( @ewarren) be our next president.


Let’s dream big.
Let’s fight hard.
Let’s win.
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