Narcissists are recruited by the shadow. The shadow is the term I’ve used to replace ‘the devil’, as I feel it has too much religious connotation & it’s depictions over time have become commercialised & deserving of ridicule. I’m not talking about a red guy w/ horns.
The people who they affect are also at risk of becoming recruits, because so many people in order to protect themselves from narcissistic abuse, believe that they must become overly cold & calculated themselves.
It’s literally like a door to door recruitment service.
The shadow is an energy & it’s as old as time. Primal. It doesn’t have a name. It existed as long as all of this did. Some say it was a mistake, but I don’t know. I think it’s more to do with balance. Just because something is evil doesn’t mean it’s not necessary in a sense.
What makes the shadow so insidious? Is that it never quite materialises as a shadow in the beginning. It’s comes wrapped in a box of everything you thought you ever wanted. It arrives as temptation. And you’ll open it each time...
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