A common theme among responses that I want to highlight: being left out of collaborations, being exploited by more senior PI's, being asked to provide time/input but no credit or money -- effectively, being used and/or shut out of collaboration. https://twitter.com/gbaucom/status/1198968510380199937
I want to highlight this bc being left out of something for which you are an obvious collaborator is a form of bullying. Being used for your knowledge but not included is both a form of bullying and misogyny.
I do not think the people who act in this way have a ton of self-awareness, or social awareness. (&/or they may also be bad people). The horrible catch is that when you object to such treatment, there are a million reasons given for why *you* suck. So, you really can't object.
What can you do? (And I'm speaking here to the new and rising women PIs in the room, but prob good advice for everyone). Be incredibly, painfully careful about who you trust. This is obvious, but very true. Don't assume that you are so good it will never happen to you.
DON'T work with people who you have seen exclude women. Don't work with people that talk smack about women. Importantly, critically interrogate your own misogyny when forming opinions, esp about women. If you want academia to be more equitable, it starts w you. /fin
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