It IS, for better or worse, @PeteButtigieg’s job to respond to it. More than that, though, this narrative isn’t going anywhere unless Pete finds a way to ensure the viral stories about his connection to black voters start to trend positive. (1/X)
Those stories can’t just come from black campaign staffers. No one is going to trust people who are on the payroll. And the rebuttal can’t remain “I’m sick and tired of the black supporters Pete DOES have being ignored” because — it’s someone’s job to fix that issue. (3/X)
Ironically, I first learned about Buttigieg back when he did his @cthagod interview WAY back before he surged and when he was still considered the longest of long shots, and people were still learning how to say his name.
His team just can’t keep being angry about the narrative and how it’s somehow misleading. They need to change it. Failing to do so means articles like this are going to keep cropping up when there’s a surge. (D/X)
This article aside, there is a level of eye-roll unfairness that virtually ALL of the candidates are just as white and privileged as Buttigieg who also don’t poll well at all with minority voters who aren’t facing this scrutiny on the issue. (9/X)
And the one candidate who does poll well probably OUGHT to face more scrutiny, but no one ever said campaigns were fair and those inconsistencies mean the problem probably has a solution. Someone on team @PeteButtigieg needs to find it. (TheEnd/X)
One addition: Just as it’s not really my place, as a white person, to offer criticisms of this article, we should be VERY skeptical when you see white people using it to dunk on Buttigieg. White people shouldn’t co-opt black perspectives for political gain.
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