Using this for my next redistricting lecture

Also, the partisans (& ideologues) on here will hate this but we could improve American politics from its current status (crumbling) of every state was forced to draw lines to maximize competitiveness (# of swing districts per state).
Did gerrymandering CAUSE polarization? For some reason my discipline occasionally asks, and then tests, hyper-inflated questions and then when the thesis fails the bold test, the discipline then decides henceforth- "gerrymandering does not cause polarization!" and then spends
the next decade shaking their head smugly at anyone who asserts there is a connection, including intrepid grad students who argue, "OK- but that's the wrong question. It is, after all, a question that is set up to fail." The more appropriate question IMHO is what CONTRIBUTION
does gerrymandering make to rising polarization and ideological extremism in Congress? Is it a necessary, if not sufficient condition?
What impact does the dramatic decrease in the # of members serving in marginal (swing) districts have on the ideological make up of the House over time (itself a story of who runs in deep red & deep blue districts and/or the types of politicians that can "survive" in them), what
effects that changing ideological make up has on the institution, & whether a "bleed over" effect can be isolated in the House's "partner" institution, the Senate (which we know has polarized too, behind the House)- I argue, pushed by the House via The Electoral Connection
which is the thesis that office-holders are "single-minded seekers of reelection."

BTW: I've collected a great deal of data to this project & if you are a political scientist (must have good stat skills) interested in joining in on this project hit me up.
You can follow @RachelBitecofer.
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