Hmm... the question is, if I go back to bed, will I sleep? And if so, how long? Hmm...
I could instead spend an hour adding to my notes regarding the administration's criminality that I've been compiling for future use...

But that's just taking so dang long. Tis absurd how much detail is known you see. And half of tis like 'so-and-so does illegal thing x, again'.
Another common element: 'Guy-who's-obviously-crap-at-job-and-or-corrupt calls someone else the real criminal here'.

One interesting thread is what appears to be one of the promoters of pro-right conspiracy theories trying to flee to the US to avoid prosecution in Ukraine.
Tis one of those guys who's been cited by the right/Fox News/ect as having the goods on how the Dems are the real conspirators here or something. He has been on trial in Ukraine for like a year over his abuses of power while in office. The right leaves that bit out though.
When this criminal requested a visa to come to the US to 'present his evidence to the FBI', the fired ambassador was like 'uh, no?'. And then she began to be targeted by conservative agents and buddies of Giulliani, specifically those two that got arrested.

Funny pattern yes?
Its almost like there's a network of just awful people who are trying to leverage each other's power to escape justice or something. And when they fail to get what they want because someone has morals, they add another enemy to the target list of the right wing media.
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