Interesting from Mandy Wilson on co-creating benchmarks and indicators for good community involvement in regeneration projects with communities
... but that the importance of time, funding and having a supportive commissioner as well as people in the right places is fundamental!
Now Linden West talking about research as witness & standing alongside communities - I really like this!
The decline of working class self help institutions being crucial to the decline of certain places...
And three things you need for a "good" live - love, self respect and self esteem - this being the basis of social solidarity
And this social solidarity being the basis of creating good enough learning and democratic spaces to build power and agency.
Some nice illustrations of the power of statistics from @HetanShah - seems that most people think the world is worse than the evidence shows...
Great to be hearing from @ocsi_uk about the #LocalInsight tool and their interesting suite of 90 Civic Needs indicators - covering assets, connectivity and engagement
So a nice complement to the IMD and an interesting pattern of need...
Resulting in an analysis of "left behind" areas
With multiple challenges
And funding doesn't tend to match need - left behind areas have lower levels of govt funding than England as a whole (structural inequalities!!)
And the correlation of the community needs index with Brexit leave votes is much stronger than with the IMD...
Now a session on health outcomes - setting off with a rallying cry for social justice and removing systemic barriers.
"Community empowerment has to focus on social transformation and political change" says Jenny Popay from @LancasterUni #yes
Increasing evidence that communities having collective control has a positive impact on health outcomes - through reducing isolation and building solidarity
Great to hear the importance of an outward as well as an inward focus for community action - it has to be about joining up to create greater social justice
This study is looking at the health impacts of 15 #BigLocal areas 

Lots of involvement of residents through the BL resident network
Great to see them looking at different forms of #power - within, with and to - and how they develop in different participatory spaces.
Differentiating between governance spaces, sense making spaces and external spaces.
... need a diversity of spaces with a level of connectivity to unleash all these forms of power.
Now hearing about @NEF's evaluation of People's Health Trust programmes supporting local conversations - with the aim of increasing local connections and control...
Common engagement processes - reaching out, creating steering groups to develop priorities, MONEY being available 💰....
So residents being in control mean that events & actions match local interests & needs, increasing local connections and breaking down barriers... Which create small, isolated changes to social determinants of health...
Some great discussion about the problems of describing communities as "apathetic" - and of thinking of communities as "cosy" places
& now thinking about barriers to participation in action research... (Time, money, flexibility, motivation, unconscious bias...)...
Hearing from @SL_Cities about social innovation in post industrial towns - especially #corby - now the fastest growing UK borough outside of London
Interesting about the difference between official figures and the depth of different opinions at workshops etc...
The scale of a town can be just right for a healthy network of innovators and key actors - helping support sustainable innovation...
And a nice reflection around the need to preserve the good stuff, not just keeping innovating new things!
Now @gmcvo talking about their ambition for aging programme which includes panels of older people deciding on funding ...
Key message being that inequality drives social isolation
Not sure what this is but it's pretty!
According to @matt_leach rounding up, there hasn't been a conference of community researchers like this for 30 years!
And a great way to round off with a multimedia summary from the ex- @localtrust journalist at large... With films and pictures and slides! #snazzy
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