Great, sensible thread. Tbh this is just unravelling on twitter with absurd hesaid/shesaid Mood. Not personally invested in any of these people bc i don't know them -- like most of you. BUT i do care about feminist discourse and doubling down while eliding disturbing points is...
very concerning. Particularly, repeated tweets I see on how consent and negotiating sexual intimacy is black and white. I am 28 so from a slightly older gen but I'm fairly sure surprise nudes to someone you're seeing is a thing. Genuinely asking (...)
Do you always ask yr partner before you kiss them? Smush their butt? Send a sext? Lowkey grump abt how long it's been since you last had sex?Bc if we wade into this we're talking about consent in intimate relationships and we have to deal w how messy it gets.
Pathologising all behaviour that could be breaching boundaries is unhelpful. Conflating it with rape is unhelpful. There is a vast spectrum on which sexual violence occurs and much of the conv around it needs to happen inside our homes and intimate relationships w people we love
Pretending this isn't the case is unhelpful. Again this thread is about the DISCOURSE not defending either camp. As for idiots who are like ok ALL women, whole #MeToo movement is fAkE nEwZ, why engage? They're like Sanghis who think Pak funds Washington Post no?
Last, if yr whole activism is just telling people you don't know, who did creepy things, to die or rot in hell online, please do better. Online activism is in service of offline community. There is a lot that is frightening in the country rn.
In this last year the larger discourse still hardly acknowledges the ABSURD disparity in systemic sexual violence & marginalisation of DBA communities. Else people would know of @dalitwomenfight more. We'd show up in larger nos. for the rights of sex workers & trans community
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