Thread: Resisters, this isn’t easy for me to talk about openly, but I think we Democrats need to sit down and have a talk about our relationship and where it is going.

I understand we are all still recovering. The losses of 2016 were devastating.
We were shut out of the White House, the Senate, and the House. We also lost gubernatorial and other state wide races too. We even had 2 SCOTUS seats stolen from us.
It was one of the darkest moments of my life to see Trump elected and the MAGA campaign turn good people I know and love into cult loving worshipers of a false prophet. It hurt. It still hurts. It is difficult to process even now.
I guess I am trying to say, “I understand and can empathize deeply with your pain and fears”.

While pain and fear are part of the human experience, they do not have to define us. Sometimes when I look at comments related INCREDIBLY good news for Dems (like court rulings,…
…winning in Kentucky and Louisiana, and the ever mounting evidence for impeachment), I am blown away by the dark pessimism that persists despite the shinning light of the multitude of recent victories.
I often wonder if we as a political party are dealing a collective form of PTSD or are so depressed after 2016 that we can’t see what is really happening.
The tides are changing but we still haven’t caught on; partially Because we are still guarding our hopes and hearts to avoid the pain of a repeat of 2016. While I understand your thinking, I still need to explain to you it won’t help.
Pessimism won’t protect you from the reality of the consequences of the 2020 election— whether we win or lose. It also won’t help us change the direction of our country. It is a useless tool.

If you need to talk to a friend or professional about your mental health, do it!
There is no shame in getting help to overcome the challenges we all face. If you need help finding resources, don’t be afraid to ask around. I am also asking you to leave behind your broken and shattered shields of pessimism and pick up the torch of optimism in 2020.
It is time for us to bring back the light of truth, accountability, justice, and integrity to our government. We can do this! It is going to be challenging and we are going to have to leave the past behind us; but in the end, we will have victory.
If we can see how the tides are changing and recognize our astounding accomplishments. We will specifically be victorious in the courts. Chief Justice Roberts cares deeply about court legitimacy and he will not rule Trump has “absolute immunity as a temporary King”.
Have some faith. The argument is truly laughable. Trump is going to go down in history as one of the most unsuccessful litigants in the history of SCOTUS.
Justice takes time, but soon we will all have need to break open a bottle of good champagne (or whatever you drink) to celebrate. But first, we have to change our attitudes and get to work!

Resistance, thank you. I am so grateful to you.
Let’s have faith and feel to reach out as needed. And remember to register yourself and others to vote. Also, vote often and early if available!

To victory!

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