i don't have the energy to thoroughly debunk rahm emanuel's bullshit, but suffice it to say that he is not a reliable recounter of the history of the democratic party since, as one example, vis-à-vis m4a, this was an explicit goal of FDR, JFK, LBJ, Truman, and even Pres. Clinton https://twitter.com/_waleedshahid/status/1199053650443804674
the cool thing is, if you're even a little knowledgeable about the history of the democratic party in the 20th century, you'll know that emanuel is a fucking liar who would burn in hell if it was real
he also, notably, says to folks watching at home who know about LBJ's explicitly progressive agenda, as well as FDR's social security program, that these programs fit into the "traditional" liberal framework cuz they were funded by taxes, and deceitfully implies that m4a is free
and by "free", i mean not adequately funded by taxes and therefore bad. emanuel is a subtle peddler of insidious bullshit. anyway, if sanders wins, emanuel will lose all access to power in the democratic party, and we can't have that, now can we?
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