#khive, I LOVE Kamala but he’s got a point. I don’t perceive her plan in bad faith or herself in bad faith. I’m not worried that a Harris administration would make those mistakes without input. But let’s be real. https://twitter.com/sesmith/status/1199132204627939328
Disabled people have every right in the world to be concerned about being institutionalized against their will and having their personal information used to hurt them.
It happened A LOT. It still does. And in this age of Trump, disabled people are seeing their rights chipped away and we are justifiably scared and on high alert. Period. *I* don’t like that part either.
I’m 1000% Kamala but you bet your ass I will be on her like white on rice about this to make sure this part is fixed. Thank you for your time.
Oh, and I love y’all, but a lot of y’all still have a lot to learn about ableism.. (sigh)... so please be open to what I have to say to y’all. Ok?
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