figured i'd share some little "financial efficiency" things i do with y'all

i get a few bucks back on every Uber ride, for example, because i use a 2% cash back credit card (pay balance every month), get $0.50 invested on each ride by acorns, and a few dozen sats with Pei... 1/
... i love the 2% cash back card (with 5% cash back on certain purchase types that rotate every few months) of course, because its like a hundred bucks every few months, for no reason other than doing exactly what i would be doing, just paying differently... 2/
... get a good travel rewards card too, for big purchases. i fly a few times a year, no reason to pay for it myself

i know these things don't sound like much, but in total it's a few grand worth of cash/ sats in my wallet every year, freeing up that money for investments... 4/
point being, this is just one piece of the puzzle. i was broke as shit for a long time, but by approaching my finances one little bit at a time i built a nice little egg and live pretty well within my means

LARPing about being cryptorich on Twitter may seem cool, but ...
... until you've made at least a million, you're really not (and i know like 99% of you... are not)

get smart with your money

chaddad out
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