I’ve had this theory about COIE for a while, but I didn’t know if I should post it or not until now. While I think that there’ll be a lot of minor characters that die, I also think there could be a major one that does too. Here’s my theory about which lead character this could be
I’m going to talk about all of the current and future lead characters and explain why I think they will or will not make it past COIE.
It won’t be Jefferson Pierce because:
-This is his first Arrowverse appearance ever
-Black Lightning doesn’t even have an episode in COIE, so I don’t think they’d kill him off on a random show
I don’t think it’ll be Kate because:
-BW is not going to kill off their lead character 8 episodes into their show
I doubt it’ll be Clark because:
-The network is developing a show for him, so I doubt that they’d kill him off in this crossover

If it wasn’t for this potential show, there would be a good chance that he’d be a goner in COIE.
Mia isn’t going to die because:
-Smoak Queen children are immortal
-She’s going to be the lead of the FTA spinoff
It’s not going to be Sara because:
-If Caity was leaving, they would’ve announced it like they did with Brandon and Courtney’s departures
-I think Caity is still filming
-I don’t think they’re going to lose both Ray and Sara in the same season
Reasons it could be Ray:
-Brandon is leaving the show this season
-LoT has killed off a lead character in a crossover episode before
Reasons it might not be Ray:
-I think he filmed some episodes of Legends (beyond the crossover) this season
-Correct me if I’m wrong but I think paps spoiled that the Atom appears in the Arrow finale during the GA statue scene
Oliver is going to “die” but I don’t think he’ll stay dead because:
-His death has been talked about for months and I doubt the show runners would ever spoil something this big if it was actually going to last
-My man is finally going to get his happy ending TDKR style
Why it could be Kara:
-Her sacrifice might be necessary to save the universe (like Elseworlds teased)
-It could be a real shock for the audience

If E-38 Kara dies, MB could play a version of her from another earth who survives the crisis.
Why it might not be Kara:
-She wasn’t the one who caused the crisis to happen 5 years sooner than it was supposed to
Which is why I think it’ll be Bart:
-It’s his fault that COIE is happening 5 years sooner than it was supposed to
-His death in the crisis was also teased in the last crossover
-They’ve been preparing for a world without him on TF this season
-It would be shocking in a good way
If E1 Bart does permanently die in COIE, then GG could just play a Bart from a different earth that survives.
To sum everything up, if they end up permanently killing off one of the lead characters in COIE, I think Bart and Ray have the highest chance followed by Kara and then Oliver.
Of course there’s always a chance that none of these characters permanently die so if this is what happens, then sorry for boring y’all with this theory. 😅
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