We are a handful of years away from there being no living Holocaust survivors. None - & every Jew knows what that means. It means there will be nobody left to say “I WAS THERE. I SAW THIS.” It means all we will have is videos & pictures - the things they already claim are fake.
They say those things are fake, now, while we still have living first hand accounts. All we’ll have left are our stories. Historically, that’s pretty much how we operate as a people. Storytelling & passing the understanding of your history is a quintessential part of Judaism.
It’s still not enough. Anti-semitism in this country has been out of control since - forever. But this recent uptick is unlike anything I’ve seen in 33 years of life & that is coming from someone whose school got bomb threats because they knew we were Jews. That’s how bad it is.
We are about to live in an era w/ no Holocaust survivors. That’s terrifying. If Republican Jews, Libertarian Jews & Democrat Jews can’t get it together & put party bullshit to the side to just be Jews together so we can prepare for what is about to be our reality, we’re screwed.
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