I need a pick me up. Comment below and I will tweet an anonymous random compliment about you. I'm aiming to dish out 20 compliments but we will see how far I go.
I wish I had your zeal for life and unwavering honesty. If I ever were to write a novel with a dashing, strong heroine who would kick major ass and flip the script, I would write her after you. Your steal-boned corset would double as armor, and your sword has never been bested.
You are far kinder and generous than you think you are. You can drop your armor, you know. People really like you for who you are. I am a huge fan. Your courage inspires me and all who know you.
Your photo makes me smile. You do incredible work & spread endless joy and cheer, but very few in real life know how generous and inspiring you truly are. You wield your pen like a magic wand; everyone is transformed by your kind, powerful words & as a result are changed forever.
Your happiness is infectious. You do not know this, but you are a window into a world to which I will never belong, and I am grateful for your enthusiasm in posting about it. You make many of us feel like we belong just by being you.
My darling you, each Tweet that issues forth from your lips both challenges and charms me. You are on my short list of people I hope to meet at a conference some day. Your amiable nature, fierce honesty, and witty intellect dazzles all who encounter it. You are a gift.
Your profile pic is adorable and can't help but bring a smile to any who sees it. You are well traveled, intelligent, and intriguing. I suspect you have a brilliant accent with all the adventures you have had around the globe. If you need a sign to start a podcast, this is it.
You have more courage and guts than I will ever have, and yet you have no idea how many if us admire your strength. Thank you for being a voice of truth in a world of lies. Your bravery inspires us all to stand up to injustice. Your eyes are stunning.
I am fascinated by your research. I want to know why you chose to dedicate your life to it. You work tirelessly for others, but few appreciate your big heart the way it deserves to be appreciated. So thank you. On behalf of all the lives you bettered with your wisdom: thank you.
You are cute as hell and a bright light in this Twitter wasteland. Your joy bubbles over & makes those around you happy. Your adventurous spirit is best served in your travels, & you work tirelessly at your job so you can afford those moments of freedom. Your words make us soar.
You are fun as hell and your passion for your job does not go unnoticed. You are stunningly beautiful but you don't see it. You live your life for so many others. Don't forget to also live for yourself.
You live on part of the planet I have never been brave enough to go. You are intelligent & fancy yourself a merely cranial person, but your true heart is in seeking beauty & passion. You grace the world with your vision; your fire burns brightly in all colors.
Dearest one. You are such a bright, shining, radiant person that you tread the earth in no mortal way. You understand the dance of life an death better than any of us. Your talent is immense, so it was no wonder that you have become a wonderous star. I am humbled to know you.
Somehow, as if a miracle, you have consistantly transformed sorrow into compassion. The road has been rough and hard, but with each step you become lighter under such heavy burdens, as if you were an ethereal being sent to bless our planet with your goddess-like grace. Much love.
We run in the same circles but our paths have never crossed. You are only overwhelmed right now because you do not realize your own strength. This trial is a crucible; you will see the profound mettle your heart is made of in the end. You are full of valor, a knight awakening.
I am intimidated by your strength and brilliance. I want to take you out to coffee and pick that amazing brain of yours. I look up to you as a professional but also as a Twitter friend. You go where others fear to tread. Your immense strength and courage are beautiful.
You are nearly too perfect to be real, but you still find yourself undeserving of praise and adoration. You were not merely "lucky" when you landed that job & won those awards. You worked your ass off and earned them. You deserve recognition for your brilliance. And kind heart.
You hide, but I get it. You cautiously guard your heart. Too bad you suck at it. You can't help but be a shining beacon of optimism and love. You aren't fooling anyone. Relax and be yourself. Let others love you back, damnit.
You need your own tv show. You are interesting AF and millions would watch it. Keep being your brilliant self. You dress incredibly well and put the rest of us to shame. Part of what makes you stunningly attractive, however, is your happiness. Keep on shining brightly!
I want to write your biography. Badly. You are that incredible to me. Your story should be immortalized so you may continue to inspire and awe centuries after you are gone. I am truly honored with every message you send. I aspire to your greatness.
I am so inspired by your tenacity. You live life more vibrantly than most. Your superpower is the ability to lose yourself in the joy of the moment, and in doing so, you spread joy to others. You are a creative goddess. Brilliant. Sophisticated. Whimsical. Adventurous. Love it.
You have a 3rd degree black belt in snark, and I cannot tell you how much I admire this quality. The beauty of your wit is how you choose to use it. Behind each quip is strength, wisdom, and empathy. I admire how you move in the world. Your humor is sword; you wield it artfully.
I have a secret: I own your book, but I am too chicken to send it to you and ask for your autograph. That said, I find your work as bright as your soul, and I love how much you love what you do. It is rare to see such a passion in a person. You have no idea how much you inspire.
Your kindness always takes me aback. Your generous spirit does not go unnoticed. I have no idea why the hell someone as talented, educated, and accomplished as you follows someone like me, but I am grateful for the friendship. You have no idea how much happiness you bring.
I have a confession. I greatly admire how open you are about the pleasures in life. I do not have the courage to be as happy as you are, but you inspire me to do better. You show others what happiness can be; you are unafraid to find beauty in the taboo. Forever be this amazing.
You. Me. Women. Wine. An art studio. The stories would be epic. 😁 You create beauty in a world that needs it desperately, and your creations bring great joy. The best part about you is that it isn't the beauty that drives your creativity; it is the happiness it brings others.
I wish we lived closer. I sometimes wonder if the universe has kept us apart because it could not withstand the level of awesome that would occur if we ever got together. You inspire me daily. As does your family. You are a Britomart, charging fearlessly into battle for us all.
How is it that you are able to remain so poised, rational, and wise when the world about you burns? You are a master class in diplomacy. I wish I had a fraction of your patience and intellect. Your eyes are as kind as your heart. Never change.
My dear lady, I cannot help but admire your courage and prowess. You go where I can never go, and I wonder if I could ever be as brave as you. What you see as intuitive others recognize as talent. How intimidating you are to someone like me. Your humility tames dragons.
You have a job I secretly want. You are a conjurer of magic, for you transport us into other worlds with your words and talents. Your cleverness is profound. We cannot help but be inspired by your greatness.
As for you, my dear, I want to take you out for a beer. Your passion is infectious, and I suspect that in the real world you command the respect and attention of thousands just by being yourself. You were born to fight this battle. Your voice can lead as easily as conquer.
I suspect you and I have similar literary fantasies. You like to think about what could be, and your optimism is dynamic. You fancy yourself a big nerd, but I see you as much more than that. I see a great sage of the human condition. You understand hearts & minds more than most.
I see in you one who understands that life is more profound than we realize. The secrets of the universe speak to you. You remind me of a poem of Jack Crimmins:
"The heart never fits the journey
Always one ends first"
The journey is your heart. The adventure of life is the key.
Your talent is sexy AF and so is your brilliance. For whatever reason, you don't see it though. You need to fix that. I suspect I could listen to you talk for hours. Your heart is greater than your intellect, however, so you, my dear, are a force to be reckoned with.
Not gonna lie. Your posts make me smile like crazy. In fact, I just made a purchase that was inspired by something you posted. There are negative voices in your life, and while I know you don't listen, I want to reiterate how full of shit they are. You are an amazing human being.
You value your privacy. Your tweets, however, betray your anonymity. You are unequivocally kind and worry about the well-being of others. You recognize beauty and long for peace. You are a champion for mother nature, but your humility prevents you from tweeting your great works.
You have boundless amounts of energy because you accomplish in one day what some may not achieve in a lifetime. You are courageous and brutally honest. You fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. You are the embodiment of 21st century chivalry. I bow to your nobility.
You can follow @Literature_Lady.
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