Interesting night at the @MUFCYorkRoad Q&A on the proposed move away from York Road to Braywick Park. Largely positive response from the 50 or so fans in Stripes Bar. The general consensus, after hearing from Peter Griffin & Jon Adams, is that it’s the right time to do this.
Very early planning stages but the plan is to build the new stadium where the athletics track currently is, closer to the town centre - thereby encouraging fans to walk rather than drive on match days and reducing the likelihood of cars clogging up the Braywick Road
The other clubs currently based at Braywick Park have all been spoken to and appear to be largely on board with the move. There’s consensus to move forward from Maidenhead RFC and Sportsable etc, although some funds from the sale and move would go into improving their facilities
This also isn’t a cash generating exercise. Peter and Jon wouldn’t give a figure on the valuation of York Road but did say that the money they receive for it would be ploughed back into the new stadium and its associated facilities. There won’t be a surplus to buy new players.
It’s about creating a football club that is self sustainable and, if possible profitable, through creating those extra facilities (AstroTurf training pitch, gym etc) rather than Peter having to dip into his pocket every year to ensure there’s not a shortfall.
And if the money they get for York Road doesn’t allow them to build the kind of stadium & facilities they’re after at Braywick, they said they won’t plough ahead regardless and put themselves in financial difficulties. No deal is better than a bad deal. They’d stay at York Road.
Their timescale for the move out of York Road and into the new site at Braywick is three years, but plenty of consultation and planning hurdles to overcome before then. Peter added it’s likely Shanly would have an interest in York Road - next to their current old bowls club plot
In many ways Desborough Bowls Club has paved the pathway on this with what’s been considered their very successful move to new facilities at Green Lane. It’s something Maidenhead would like to emulate.
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