So because I was curious, I decided to do some research on the pirate sites. The conclusion I came to is that Amazon and Comixology aren't the root of piracy, part of the problem, but not the root. 1/
I ran a test of comics that I backed on crowdfunding sites, and are currently on Comixology and Kindle, and ran them against several comic piracy sites. I'll also link the names of the creators so that you can follow them, and support them. 2/
Flying Sparks by @jondelarroz has been on Kindle for over a year now, and hasn't been pirated. Possibly because there isn't a recognizable publisher behind it, nor a comic store release. 4/
The Wicked Righteous by @mayotl was pirated, which it looks like they were following the series from the very beginning. Odd since they generally wait until something like a Kickstarter. 7/
Comixology has its problems, but comic piracy isn't going to be solved by taking your books off the platform, if its one they're determined to have on the site, they're going to have it, especially with the vast amount of pre-digital comics on there.
By the last line, I mean with comic piracy sites.
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