reply or QT with healthy coping mechanisms you use when feeling depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, etc
I have trouble focusing and feeling anxious or depressed makes it even harder to do anything, so when overwhelmed I try to let myself complete tasks of whatever I have the energy & motivation for at the time, even if it's not the highest priority thing on my list
Its been long enough that I know if I try to force myself to do a task when I'm overwhelmed and don't have the energy or focus for it, I will get stopped in my tracks unable to do it and lose all momentum for productivity and then not get _anything_ done, and feel worse
Even if I didn't get most important thing on list done that day I can at least feel good about like, cleaning the house or something like that, I don't feel like a failure and I can start to break out of the negative cycle .
Writing down things is so helpful: things that you're worried about, or things that you need to do. It puts your mind in perspective, takes vague and overpowering feelings of anxiety and makes it specific and tangible to you. And, if ready, you can begin making plans to tackle it
When alone I have this issue that I can never tell how fast time is passing ? It stresses me out bc I feel confused & like I'm not getting things done fast enough. So I like to have videos/TV shows on in the background even if I'm not paying attention to them, for time reference
This isn't so much coping mechanisms, rather general tidbits of advice, but I thought I'd tack it on here
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