I'd like to address the "bisexual people in a het-seeming relationship have privileges" thing for a second (thread) https://twitter.com/baiIeybeech/status/1197594748388855810
I used to think that was true, and yeah, being married to a cis man I've probably dodged a fair deal of homophobia. Nobody yells at me if I hold hands with my spouse in public or questions the legitimacy of our marriage.
But I still don't think so-called "straight privilege" is really a thing for bisexual people, because...hey, we're not straight! It's more that the oppression we face is partly *different* from that faced by people in same-sex relationships.
Being treated as het for most of the time (by strangers as well as family) sure doesn't feel like a privilege, esp. when people feel comfortable being openly homophobic in your presence because they think you're somehow in on the joke.
Being treated as basically het by the queer community is another huge issue and stings even more than biphobia from straight folks. Not feeling welcome in lgbt+ spaces, at Pride, being made to feel like you're not *really* a part of that community is v. much still a thing.
I guess what I'm trying to say is...feeling invisible as a queer person feels like a thing that erodes your identity rather than a privilege.
morning bump for thread
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