What is so fascinating to me about the response to Nikki Hailey, and Sec Perry and even Sec Pompeo thoughts on Truml being chosen by God to be POTUS is a pretty mainstream belief in Evangelical circles. https://twitter.com/DavidBrodyCBN/status/1199017474278207488
We said the same thing when Obama was elected.

Maybe that's the difference between the 2 sides. When Obama was elected, there was not a full fledged resistance mounted to take him down.
Yes, in 2010, the Tea Party rose up politically. That began to push back on his policies.

But, to me as an evangelical, that was also for a reason.
When Obama was elected, I prayed for him. I prayed for our country.

Obama revealed to everyone how far the left was willing to go to fundamentally change the country.

Especially with religious liberties and protections of children.
That is why there was such strong support for Trump among evangelicals.
People woke up to the evil that was happening, that was revealed for all to see in the Obama presidency.
Yes. I know, the media says it was a scandal free presidency, but it wasnt.
What people saw were fundamental norms being changed that affected their everyday lives.

Like free speech, freedom to express your faith in the public square
The LBGTQ agenda being pushed to the limits, and we are still suffering those consequences. Girls sports are being decimated. Children are being sexualized, parental rights have been eroded.
Christian businesses are being targeted for having what would be considered traditional pro family values.
And 3 years into the Trump presidency we still face these crises because of embedded leftist bureaucrats and judges. It will take a long time to root them all out
In addition to these, the Obama administration supported BLM against the police officers who protect our society. They put targets on their backs, and made our cities and streets less safe.
We are still recovering from this horrible mistake.
The Obama administration also turned a blind eye to the horrific drug problem that affected so many people across the country. There were underlying factors that show his administration was responsible in part. The loss of jobs overseas created a sense of hopelessness.
So many communities were decimated in those years. Combine that with removing faith from the national conversation where are people to turn?
There are so many more examples I could list.
We tend to focus on the 'big' unreported obvious scandals and corruption we lose sight of these.
So to circle back around to where I began. Yes. I think Trump was chosen because we almost had to come to the end of ourselves to change course.

There is also an under reported simultaneous thing happening.

There is a world wide revival happening.
Kanye West is part of it.
The fact that so many people in Trumps cabinet speak out about their faith is part of it as well.

The Holy Spirit is on the move.
The enemy is not happy and the slings and arrows he faces daily are monumental.
He is not perfect.
No one that God used for his purposes was ever perfect. That is why when glorious things happen, He is given the glory.
That is why I pray for our President every single day.
I pray that God will continue to use him for His glory.

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