A Threads of DO’s and DON’T’s most commonly covered under every close friendships girl code:
1. DO: Support your friend’s hobbies and passions.
DON’T: Deliberately try and outshine your friends to make you look better.
Instead: Cheer her on or explore your hobbies together.
DO: Support your friends dating life.
DON’T: Let your friend date someone who treats her poorly.
Instead: Talk to her about why you think he is unfit for someone as great as her.
DO: Comfort your friend when she goes through a bad breakup/relationship.
DON’T: Date/Hook-up/Become best friends with the jerk who broke her heart.
Instead: FIND SOMEONE ELSE. There are plenty of fish in the sea,
DO: Confront your friend when you have a problem with her.
DON’T: Bash her to all your friends.
Instead: Find a way to tell her in a respectful way how you feel. Whether or not this interaction is in person is up to you.
DO: If your friend asks how her outfit/hair/makeup etc looks, BE HONEST.
DON’T: Tell her what she wants to hear and let her go out looking like a fool.
Instead: Respectfully tell her that you think she would be more comfortable in another outfit
DO: Be a wing woman for your bestie when she needs it.
DON’T: Try to attract every guy who even gives her the least bit of attention, especially if she’s interested.
Instead: Talk her up! Make her seem like a goddess and that any guy would be lucky to have her!
DO: If your friend is depressed or upset over anything, make a day for comforting her.
DON’T: Ignore her or dismiss her sadness.
Instead: Grab a tub of her favorite ice-cream or other comfort food, some wine, and a good movie or television series and let loose!
If you see someone harassing or unwantedly touching a girl, help her out. Make sure she is all right and get her home safe or if necessary call the police.
Wait till your friend is inside her house before you drive away.
Never allow your friend to walk home alone, especially when she’s drunk.

Allow your friends to just vent. Don’t say anything back. Just listen.

Tell a girl if you see something malfunctioning on her outfit
Never go after your friend’s crush.

Never go after a friend’s ex without permission.

Let a girl know when her boyfriend is cheating.

Always tell a girl when her boobs are out.

Don’t even consider flirting with your friend’s boyfriend.
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