Oh I'm sure when you were calling Labour members, non-specifically, "deluded" "Marxist" "trots" and "cultists" you didn't *mean* a 70 year old canvasser with a walking stick, but unfortunately it's not just your dumb hooting fucking media friends who hear that rhetoric, is it?
This goes completely for "centrist" MPs (including and especially Gapes, who memes aside is fucking awful), "centrist" journalists and "centrist" members who all latched onto this demonisation/monstering of individual party members as part of their quest against the Bad Man.
You're all absolutely as fucking complicit as the Tory ghouls pushing the same narrative so a bunch of Land Rover-owning shitheads can guffaw about communism. You were calling 500,000+ people present threats to the country, that lands in peoples' heads.
Labour is going to ruin the country. Labour is a security risk. Labour is a cult. Labour is racist. Labour is a danger to national security, economic security and your family's security. All of these are accepted narratives in the *mainstream* and one came from the Prime Minister
Of course some 70 year old canvasser is going to get assaulted. You planted the seed in peoples' heads that she's working for a racist, cultist threat to the nation. Maybe you should have thought about that and been a bit more fucking responsible.
Quite frankly a lot of the language going around about Labour, Labour members, Momentum and Corbyn in particular is completely unhinged nonsense and it's been entirely stoked and fed by mainstream politicians and media sources legitimising that nonsense.
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