I am glad that people read this thread and had a change of heart about their response to a poorly deployed slang term they were unfamiliar with.

I think it’s fair to say that my defence of this Tweet was only believable and credible because I have been consistent on this subject https://twitter.com/OzKaterji/status/1198967089933037569
If you’ve spent the last few years gaslighting Jewish people and denying the clear racism they are subjected to from the left, then don’t be surprised when that same community has no interest in hearing your denials with regards to misunderstandings like this.
If you are consistent in your beliefs and approach to racial discrimination, people are much more likely to listen to you.
Also, if you’ve seen what many Jewish activists have seen from Labour candidates, you wouldn’t be surprised that there is little benefit of the doubt to go around. You can’t address issues like this without having enough compassion to walk around in someone else’s shoes.
You can follow @OzKaterji.
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