Students want to be integral & included in Strike action (they felt excluded last time). They take on a lot of labour of organising. They bring up unequal divisions of labour to staff. They're told - well no one expected you do this labour. #difficultconversations #UCUstrike
Here's a thought. 'they are not expected to do this labour' is not the response needed when they [students] ARE ALREADY DOING A LOT OF THE LABOUR. How about asking 'how can we support you better?' 'what do you need?' #UCUstrike #difficultconversations
What would the #UCUstrike even look like without the labour of students? They want to do this labour WHILE having conversations on gendered/racialised/casualised labour divisions so we can all do it better. It's not an either/or..
They want to have these conversations (hell, I want to too) without having to deal with defensiveness, white fragility, toxic masculinity, passive aggression. Is that possible in the #UCUstrike organising at all?
What a great day one of #UCUStrikesBack but also how exhausting to deal with the same shit. The first sign of an uncomfortable conversation that wants to hold people accountable & out comes the defensiveness, fragility, toxicity
Union branches function like departments and institutions... So much performance around issues raised (racism, sexism, ableism, and more).. But any discomfort & calls for accountability and that's it. Those who make the calls become the problem.
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