All good things must come to an end, including my current spell
of "deliberate unemployment" - so here are some thoughts on my career break: 1/10 (sorry)
Sir Walter Scott was on to something when he wrote "in order to enjoy leisure, it is absolutely necessary it should be preceded by occupation" - I found it easier to value and enjoy my leisure time when I'd been working 2/10
I re-learnt that I enjoy building things. I've laid a patio, built a pantry, tiled a kitchen, boarded a loft and found that very satisfying (painting a whole house less so...) I've "built" my whole career - services, people, teams - and feel the same kind of pride about that 3/10
Photography isn't the career I want, in fact pursuing it as a profession quickly sucked the joy out of it for me. The idea that you can turn a hobby into a career may be true for many, but should not be applied universally 4/10
I need a "mission". With photography ruled out I explored consultancy, but I had no true north, no guiding mission, so when my attempts when nowhere I had no way to escape the doldrums I found myself in 5/10
A career break is one thing, we moved across the country at the same time leaving behind that vital support network of friends, family and colleagues. I do not recommend this. My mental health has certainly suffered and I've had bouts of depression 6/10
No photography, no consultancy... in a culture that idolises the entrepreurial self-starter I was a FAILURE. The F word is difficult to shake. After a long while I realised and accepted that it's OK to not be able to do something 7/10
Perhaps I'd already found my niche? Given the plan was to escape the 9-5 it was odd to return to it - but while a break can be a good chance to consider a change of direction never forget that "do [or change] nothing" is always an option that should be considered! 8/10
I'd encourage anyone who's considering it to take a career break if you can, be clear about why you're doing it and what you hope to achieve, but be ready for it to be challenging, have support, and don't be surprised if you find you were already where you were meant to be! 9/10
So it's back to work for me. Next week I join the excellent @percyhedley as Head of Technology, leading their IT and developing new capabilities in MIS and assistive technologies - looking forward to it (and secretly wondering if I've bitten off more than I can chew...) 10/10
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